Comment enlever des feuilles dans un tas de gravier

How to remove leaves from a pile of gravel?

It’s spring, the trees are shedding their old leaves to make way for new ones. You have probably noticed that they are found almost everywhere. In the garden, on the lawn, but also in your gravel pile. But how do you go about removing them without damaging your landscaping? This is the mystery we are going to solve today.

The art of raking leaves

Before tackling the task, it is important to understand that picking up leaves is not an unnecessary chore. In fact, when these leaves decompose, they can become breeding grounds for insects and mold, which can damage your floor. Additionally, a pile of leaves can become slippery when wet, which can be dangerous.

To get started, you’re going to need a leaf rake or a blower of leaves. These two tools will allow you to move the leaves without damaging the gravel. Start by grouping them into a pile, then use a leaf broom to pick them up and put them in a bin.

The use of natural products

If leaves persist in your gravel pile and your rake can’t catch them all, there are other solutions. You can for example, to use natural products such as white vinegar, bleach or soda crystals.

Bleach and white vinegar are effective at removing leaf residue, and baking soda can help break down leaves embedded in gravel. However, it is important to note that these products must be used in moderation so as not to damage your gravel.

Transform leaves into compost

Rather than just throwing away your leaves, why not turn them into compost? It is an ecological and economical solution. Compost is ideal for enriching your soil and promoting the growth of your plants.

To do this, you can put your collected leaves in a composter or simply pile them in a corner of your garden. Over time, they will decompose and turn into rich compost. Add a little water from time to time to speed up the process.

Send a message to the trees

Finally, if you’re tired of constantly picking up leaves from your gravel pile, it might be time to send a message to the trees. No, we are not suggesting you mail the trees, but rather take steps to reduce the amount of leaves that fall.

This might mean pruning branches overhanging your gravel pile. Or, plant trees that lose their leaves less, such as conifers.

Now you know how to remove leaves from a gravel pile. Whether using a rake, a leaf blower, natural products or by turning your leaves into compost, there are many solutions to help you keep your gravel pile clean and well maintained. And remember, if trees continue to dump their leaves into your gravel, it might be time to send them a clear message. So, get your rakes ready, go!

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